NAME                           : 

Class + Section               :

Birth Date & Place          :

Nationality                      :

Father's Name                 :

Father's Occupation         :

Mother's Maiden Name    :

Mother's Occupation        :

Brothers & Sisters
   Name               -------------          --------------          --------------         --------------
   Age                  -------------          --------------          --------------         --------------
   School              -------------          --------------          --------------         --------------
    Class                -------------          --------------          --------------         --------------
   Univ. / Occup.  -------------          --------------          --------------         --------------

Full Address                     :

Phone Number + Email     :

Hobbies                           :

Favorite Songs/Singers     :

Favorite Movies               :

Favorite Topics                :
for discussions

3 Things my teacher
should know about me

3 Things I would like
to change in myself

3 Things I would like
to change in my life

3 Things I would like
to change in my school

My English Language        :
    My average in English used to be --------------------- / 20. This year I want to make sure it is no less than ----------------------------- /20 , and this by doing the following :

My Career Goals are         :

My Main Ambition           :
in life is

My Signature                   :

                                                                                                      Nada Salem Abisamra

  Page Created on September 8th, 1998
  Last updated on April 11th,1999
   Copyright (C) 1998/1999 by Nada Salem Abisamra.

Email Me!

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