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Studies related to Learning Styles & the instruments used:
- The Relationships between Pupils’ Learning Styles and Th eir Performance in Mini Science Projects
By Mehmet BAHAR- 2009
The Grasha-Riechmann Learning Style Scale.
- Coping with mismatched courses: students’ behaviour and performance in courses mismatched to their learning styles- By Kinshuk Æ Tzu-Chien Liu Æ Sabine Graf
Education Tech Research Dev (2009) 57:739–752
DOI 10.1007/s11423-009-9116-y
Felder–Silverman learning style model (FSLSM)
- A cross-cultural study of Taiwanese and Kuwaiti EFL students’ learning styles and multiple intelligences
By Shu-hua Wu and Sulaiman Alrabah- Department of English, College of Basic Education, Kuwait
Innovations in Education and Teaching International- Vol. 46, No. 4, November 2009, 393–403
Oxford, R. (1998). Style Analysis Survey (SAS): Assessing your own learning and working
styles. In J.M. Reid (Ed.), Understanding learning styles in the second language
classroom (pp. 179–186). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents."Oxford (1998) developed an instrument for language teachers to measure the
learning styles of their students along with directions for how to score and calculate
the data for each group of learning styles. She divided the instrument into perceptual,
cognitive, and affective categories of learning styles. The outcome of administering
the instrument for a group of students can be in the form of a general profile
for the students’ learning styles that can then be used by the teacher to design activities
and introduce content that are congruent with that group’s dominant learning
By Meryem YILMAZ-SOYLU- Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology
Hacettepe University, Beytepe/Ankara, Turkey- meryemy@hacettepe.edu.tr
Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology
Hacettepe University, Beytepe/Ankara, Turkey- buket@hacettepe.edu.tr
Kolb’s Learning Style Inventory (LSI).
- Implementing a case-based e-learning environment in a lecture-oriented anaesthesiology class: Do learning styles matter in complex problem solving over time?
By Ikseon Choi, Sang Joon Lee and Jeongwan Kang
British Journal of Educational Technology Vol 40 No 5 2009 933–947
Curry’s onion model- Curry, L. (1983). An organization of learning styles theory and constructs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Quebec. (ED 235
185)"Curry conceptualised learning style models and instruments
into a three-level system known as the layers of an onion. According to Curry,
the first and innermost layer is cognitive personality style, which is a relatively permanent
personality dimension involving adapting and assimilating information. This layer
is independent of the environment, and thus it is regarded as the most stable level. The
second layer of the onion is information processing style, which refers to individuals’
ways of processing information. This layer seems to be stable, but it is also viewed as
changeable by instructional methods and the surrounding environment. The third and
outermost layer, instructional preference, refers to individuals’ choices of learning environments.
Since this layer is directly exposed to the outside environment and can be
influenced by interaction with the environment, it is considered the least stable layer
compared with the other two inner layers. Curry’s conceptualisation of learning styles
was validated by Marshall (1987). Marshall conducted a study to examine the validity
of Curry’s learning style topology and concluded that, ‘the topology can be used for
classifying learning style models and instruments into a meaningful structure’ (p. 427).
To identify different learning styles, specifically information processing preferences,
Kolb (1985) developed the Learning Style Inventory (LSI), which suggests a four-stage
cycle model from concrete experience to reflective observation, abstract conceptualisation
and active experimentation. Based on Kolb’s model, Felder’s recent model (Felder,
2002; Felder & Silverman, 1988; Felder & Soloman, 1991/1994b) proposes four
dimensions related to howstudents perceive, process and organise information (sensing
or intuitive, visual or verbal, active or reflective and sequential or global). Felder’s model
has been used and tested for college students (eg, Litzinger, Lee, Wise & Felder, 2007).
We believe that this model is relevant to the interface design of a case-based e-learning
environment (Choi, Lee & Jung, 2008). Each dimension of Felder’s model is followed
(Felder & Spurlin, 2005, p. 103):
• ‘sensing (concrete thinker, practical, oriented towards facts and procedures) or
intuitive (abstract thinker, innovative, oriented towards theories and underlying
• visual (prefer visual representations of presented material, such as pictures, diagrams
and flow charts) or verbal (prefer written and spoken explanations);
• active (learn by trying things out, enjoy working in groups) or reflective (learn by
thinking things through, prefer working alone or with a single familiar partner); and
• sequential (linear thinking process, learn in small incremental steps) or global (holistic
thinking process, learn in large leaps)’".
By Vaughn, Lisa M.; Battle, Julie V.; Taylor, Trisha; Dearman, LauraSource: College Student Journal, v43 n3 p723-735 Sep 2009. 13 pp. (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Grasha's Learning Style Theory
Grasha, A. (1996). Teaching With Style: A Practical Guide to Enhancing Learning by Understanding Learning and Teaching Styles. New York: Alliance Publishers."Grasha (1996) specifies six major learning styles related to interactions between a learner and his or her peers and instructors: Avoidant, Collaborative, Competitive, Dependent, Independent, and Participative."
.- Starting from Scratch: Assessment and Instruction for Literacy Programs in Correctional Settings- 1994 (the best available copy is very bad)
Corporate Source: Correctional Education Association.
Sponsoring Agency: National Inst. for Literacy, Washington, DC.
Journal Code: RIEJAN1995
Entry Date: 1995
Accession Number: ED373188
Barsch Learning Style Inventory
Relevant Links
Learning Styles (good site)
http://www.garysturt.free-online.co.uk/learnsty.htmWHAT'S YOUR LEARNING STYLE?
http://www.ldpride.net/learning-style-test.htmlPerceptual Learning-Style Preference Questionnaire by Joy Reid
http://lookingahead.heinle.com/filing/l-styles.htmLearning Styles Explained
http://www.ldpride.net/learningstyles.MI.htm#Learning%20Styles%20ExplainedYour Learning Style and Language Learning very good
http://www.sil.org/lingualinks/languagelearning/otherresources/yorlrnngstylandlngglrnng/contents.htmLearning Styles
http://www.chaminade.org/INSPIRE/learnstl.htmFamily Education- Learning Styles + Test for children
http://school.familyeducation.com/teaching-methods/intelligence/38639.htmlFinding Your Child's Learning Style
http://www.scholastic.com/familymatters/parentguides/backtoschool/quiz_learnstyles/Learning Styles Resources
http://www.tangischools.org/schools/phs/techno/dayfour.htmLearning Styles
http://www.d.umn.edu/student/loon/acad/strat/lrnsty.htmlLEARNING STYLES (R.M. Felder)
http://www4.ncsu.edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/Learning_Styles.htmlINDEX OF LEARNING STYLES + tests
http://www4.ncsu.edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/ILSpage.htmlLearning styles Links
http://www.joecar.demon.co.uk/learningstyles.htmlLearning to Learn- Thinking and Learning Skills
Learning to Learn is for learners, teachers, and researchers. It teaches the value of self-awareness as a critical part of learning.
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