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Instructional Systems Design - ISD
Learner and Context Analyses
Topic: 5- Learners & Contexts

- Learner Analysis: it involves determining the characteristics of the learner (p.117)

  1. Educational and ability levels / Reading level
  2. Attention span
  3. Previous experience / prior knowledge of topic
  4. Academic motivation level (ARCS)
  5. Attitudes towards school/work/organization
  6. Attitudes towards content and potential delivery system-- expectations
  7. Previous performance level
  8. Entry behaviors
  9. Group characteristics

- Learning Context Analysis: it involves determining the contexts in which the instruction will be delivered

  •  Resources that support instruction:
    • room
    • environment
    • tools needed
    • tools provided
  • Constraints that could inhibit or limit instruction:
    • finances
    • personnel
    • time
    • facilities
    • equipment
    • local culture
  • Compatibility of learning site with instructional needs and learners' needs
  • Adaptability of site to simulate workplace (feasibility of simulating performance site)

- Performance Context Analysis: it involves determining the context in which the skills will eventually be used

  • when they will use the skills
  • the environment where they will use the skills / the information
  • how motivated they are
  • the managerial support they will receive (recognition? praise?)
  • the physical aspects of the site: will the use of skills depend on:
    • equipment?
    • facilities?
    • tools?
    • timing?
    • resourc?es
  • the social aspects:
    • alone?
    • in teams?
    • independently?
    • will they make presentations?
  • relevance of skills to workplace

How to Conduct the Analyses:

  1. Meet with learners / instructors / managers
  2. Talk to learners / instructors / managers
  3. Observe learners / instructors / managers


  • Interviews about learners'
    • entry behaviors
    • personal goals
    • attitudes
    • + self-report skill levels
  • Surveys
  • Questionnaires
  • Pretests

Relevant Link:

Example of Learner & Context Analyses

Posted by Nada at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: 05/05/09 1:04 AM EDT

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