Welcome to Nada AbiSamra's

"Creating Personalized Icons, Banners & Animations!"

The American Community School
at Beirut
Location: BD room 410

May 21, 2003 from 1:45 to 3:15

What will this workshop cover?

1- Creating Personalized Icons & Banners.


  • Under "Your Name" click on "more options"
  • At the top of the page click on "Headings"  (This page describes how to generate an image Step-By-Step)
  • Follow the steps then, after you have created the heading, right click on it and save it in your own documents (in the special folder you will have created for this purpose.)

  • Banners:

    "1. Select a banner style.
    2. Enter text to be animated.
    3. A banner is immediately created."
    Follow the steps then, after you have created the heading, right click on it and save it in your own documents 
    (in the special folder you will have created for this purpose.)

  • Click on "Design your Add"
  •  Get your FREE membership
  • Log in after getting your password from your email box
  • Select an ad by marking its box and pressing MAKE SELECTION
  • Fill in the squares according to your needs



    2- Animating icons & Gifs (Jasc software- Animation shop 3)
    • Animations: File => animation wizard => same size => transparent => centered + canvas color + scale frames to fit => repeat animation indefinitely + how long displayed: 40 => add images => Finish => view => animation => file => save as  ...
    • Banners: File => banner wizard => use bgd image: browse and choose your image (you can also click on "opaque background" and choose the color that you want by clicking on the black square) => next => 50 (how long...)  + 50 (how many frames...) => enter the text that you want + set font => opaque text + click on the black square to choose the color of the text => choose a transition name (wait to preview) => finish => view => animation => file => save as ...

    Useful links for Advanced Users
    Microsoft Gif Animator: